Help Mexicantown Community Development Corporation (MexicantownCDC) complete its Galería and Café project by donating today. Our project is the compliment to making this Mexicantown Hubbard Richard Mainstreet area, at 21st Street and Bagley in Southwest Detroit, “the” Latino cultural destination.
The Galería and Café would complete a cultural and gathering space that the neighborhood needs to share and make connections with art, with ideas that can help families and businesses thrive, and the deep history and contributions made by Latinos in Detroit. The Mexicantown Hubbard Richard Designated Mainstreet in Southwest Detroit is the only culturally Latino Mainstreet in the nation and anchors a rich and engaged neighborhood unlike any other in Detroit.
Over the last four years, our galería and café site has organically developed as a community-centric location for over 80 art exhibits, community meetings, local government awareness gatherings and much, much, more. Informed by its guiding principle, “A strong ethnic identity equals a strong economy”, MexicantownCDC has worked with community residents and businesses in empowering the community. MexicantownCDC is proudly serving the multigenerational, pan-Latino, bilingual Southwest Detroit three zip codes comprising a population of over 70,000.
MexicantownCDC is not simply resurrecting the community’s beloved coffee shop. As a community-driven program, MexicantownCDC, through grants and crowdfunding, is evolving this small private business into a community-centric café, designed by the actual community residents it will employ, serve, vend their products and convene in multicultural and multigenerational inclusive, meaningful and creative pursuits.
A generous grant from the Kresge Foundation helped us with necessary upgrades of our HVAC, electrical and plumbing and to install bathrooms. Additional grants from Culture Source, The Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan and the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs have helped us reach our “White Box” stage with walls painted, ready for more.
By donating to this campaign you will help us to complete our galería
and café and its outdoor space, allowing us to purchase and install the following :
Our Mexicantown Galería and Cafe' spaces will have regularly scheduled Latino and Southwest Detroit artist exhibitions. We’ll celebrate ethnic holiday events, have open mic poetry sessions, local music performances, art classes (after after school programs, workshops, movies and more).
IF we meet our goal the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) will match that essentially DOUBLING YOUR DONATION!!!! A donation of any amount will go a long way to reaching our goal. Please donate whatever you can to help. If you are unable to donate please like us, tag us and share this information with your personal socials, this will also go a long way to helping meet our objective.
If you need additional information, have questions or inquiries please contact Ray Lozano at: 248.470.0588 or by email at:
If you prefer to give offline by cash or check please make/drop/mail donations to: MexicantownCDC 2835 Bagley, Suite 895 Detroit, Michigan 48216.
Thank you!
The café counter is under construction!
Also, a small Community Connections grant was received to cover our Barista training!
Opportunities for youth 14 to 18 years of age will be able to participate in learning the craft (to be announced soon)!
We are planning to have the Grand Opening during Hispanic-Latino Heritage month!
Dear Supporters,
Oops...We are sorry for not providing an update on the community Galería-Café through Patronicity earlier.
Please accept our apology for the error.
Currently about 70% of the project has been completed. We have experienced delays due to labor shortages and are projecting higher costs to complete the project due to the price increase for building material. We continue to work through these issues and hope to complete the project later this fall; an exact date for completion is difficult to predict.
This is what has happened so far:
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Muchas Gracias and have a Good and Safe Holiday!
-MexicantownCDC team
The MexicantownCDC team
We did it! We exceeded our $50,000.00 campaign goal! On behalf of our board of directors, staff and our crowdfunding campaign team, thank you for your generous donations and support through your social media shares. Achieving our goal also allowed us to earn the monetary award from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation M.E.D.C.
We are moving forward with our renovations to activate our galería and café space. We are also looking forward to having our Barista training program for young folks in our community.
We envision a near future when we can once again host culturally relevant holidays, music performances, art classes, cooking demonstrations, festivals and a range of art exhibits and performances from local and emerging Latino artists, to proudly serve Southwest Detroit and the Mexicantown community. We invite you to continue to support us and to engage in our programs and services to grow this effort.
We strongly believe that our history and sense of cultural identity is a draw for all communities. This is an important part of helping Detroit thrive. This project will only strengthen those efforts and reinforce our mantra of “a strong ethnic identity equals a strong economy”.
Thank you everyone!
Dear donor,
Great news! we appreciate all of your support for the Mexicantown Community Development Corporation, and through your efforts, we are more than half-way towards achieving our $50,000.00 crowdfunding campaign goal.
There are still ways that you can help us create this important cultural touchstone that celebrates our unique community in southwest Detroit:
The Patronicity campaign is active for 31 more days. If we reach our goal by July 12, the project will be matched with funds made possible by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Public Spaces Community Places program.
Together, we know that we can achieve great things. Please consider sharing widely and donating to our Patronicity campaign. Thank you,
Raymond Lozano
Executive Director at Mexicantown CDC