supported by

Sustainable CT

Branford Clean Energy Campaign

To educate Branford residents about Home Energy Solutions, Heat Pumps and Solar

  1. Branford, CT
  2. Education



funded of $5,330 goal

113% Complete



Project Closed


This campaign reached its goal on Dec 23, 2020 4:45 AM.

Tax Deductible

Town of Branford is a tax-exempt government organization, Tax ID 06-6001964.


The Branford HeatSmart/Solar Campaign is a volunteer initiative to educate residents about energy efficiency and solar panels. The expected result is that residents will increase their home’s energy efficiency, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are also sharing guidance on how to access financial and tax incentives. 

Two Branford houses that have solar panels on their roofs


This campaign consists of four stages.
1. FREE home energy audit with a Home Energy Solutions (HES) inspection: An authorized contractor will come to your home and will evaluate and upgrade your home’s energy efficiency and make recommendations (e.g. install weatherization measures and energy-saving improvements). Visit for more information.

Older light bulbs that were replaced with higher efficiency LED light bulbs during a recent Branford Home Energy Solutions audit.

2. Carry out recommended efficiency upgrades : If the homeowner wishes, they can carry out the auditor’s recommended upgrades to make their home even more efficient. A more efficient home will require a smaller, less expensive heat pump.

Owner had duct sealing upgrades, both to the outside of the vents with duct tape and duct sealing sprayed inside of the vents

3. Install a heat pump: If the homeowner wishes, they can then contract with a heat pump installer we recommend or they are free to choose their own installer. We recommend installers based on the company’s experience, reputation, expertise and service standards. Heat pump financing is currently available at rates as low as 0.99%.

Heat pump installed (lower right hand of house).  The solar PV system on this Branford home provides electricity to power the heat pump and the red electric car!

4. Install rooftop solar: Rooftop solar panels offer an excellent way for homeowners to reduce their energy bills. Several town structures and more than 350 Branford residences have been equipped with solar panels since 2006. If a homeowner has electricity and a sunny roof, solar energy should be considered..

This Branford house has solar PV panels installed on 3 different roofs.

Save money and get clean energy!

Branford residents currently have a great opportunity to have a free Home Energy Solutions audit through December 31st, 2020.  The results of the audit will include solutions that residents can implement to reduce their energy consumption. Many of the solutions will have rebates and/or federal tax credits that will be bring down their purchase and installation costs. Save money and get cleaner energy!

As the first step towards achieving these goals, we plan to mail a letter describing the details of the program to every homeowner in Branford. Funds raised will be used to cover the mailing cost. Other efforts include press releases, social media, presentations to neighborhood and civic associations, providing HES providers with publicity material to share with homeowners, and tabling at public events.


Sustainable CT has generously agreed to match every dollar donated!

 The funds we are raising during this campaign (as well as the match) will provide us with the rest of the funds needed to get this project started! Check out our budget below:

People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE), a statewide organization that promotes renewable energy, has made a generous donation of $5000 to support Branford’s HeatSmart program.


​Donate today to help make this vision a reality in our community!

    • DONATE by clicking the support button on this page
    • SHARE this campaign on social so our cause can reach your friends, family, and everyone in your network

Thank you so much - we are so grateful!

12/23/20 4:52 AM

Campaign Ended

12/7/20 7:57 PM

Reached goal

12/2/20 8:23 PM

Over Half-Way There!

The Clean Energy Campaign with Sustainability CT has made half its goal!

Over 200 Branford households have said they’d like more information about the HES program and HeatSmart and Solar!

Over 7,000 Branford residents have been contacted through

• Mailings

• Yard signs

• Informational talks with neighborhood associations

• and Scarecrows on the Green!

Other Big News!

Free Home Energy Solutions (HES) home energy audits are extended through March 31st, 2021!

10/20/20 3:22 PM

Campaign Started

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Clean Energy Supporter

Share the news of Heat Smart/Solar!

Give $25 or more

4 claimed

Clean Energy Fan

Purchase one yard sign to bring the message to Branford residents!

Give $50 or more

4 claimed

Clean Energy Booster

Purchase 3 yard signs to bring the message to Branford residents!

Give $100 or more

17 claimed

Clean Energy Messenger

Pay for mailings to 250 Branford residents!

Give $500 or more

1 claimed

Clean Energy Hero

Pay for mailings to 1250 Branford residents!

Give $1,000 or more

0 claimed

Clean Energy Angel

Pay for 3 months of newspaper advertising!