Better Places uses a contribution and matching grant method of grantmaking called “crowdgranting”. Crowdgranting combines crowdfunding, the practice of funding a project with small contributions from a large number of people, paired with a matching grant from the State. Better Places participants will:
Better Places offers one-on-one consultation to interested participants to determine project readiness and compatibility for this program. All participants have access to educational tools and resources, including a personal crowdfunding coach, the Better Places Program Guide, Getting Started one pager, Crowdfunding Strategy Guide, and additional placemaking resources on the State's Better Places webpage.
Help make your community a better place! Whether you are dreaming of more parks and green spaces, a vibrant main street, colorful public art projects, community gardens, or cultural events, Better Places grants can help turn your idea into a reality. We invite you to reach out and discuss your local placemaking ideas with us.
The Better Places program provides one on one project coaching, local fundraising support, and matching implementation grants ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 to advance community-led placemaking efforts that create, revitalize, or activate public spaces. The Better Places team will work with you to develop and run a successful crowdfunding campaign that the State will match with a 2:1 matching grant.
Municipalities, local community groups, and nonprofit entities with municipal support may apply. Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis and are required to provide 33% matching funds raised through the Better Places crowdfunding platform managed by Patronicity. Once these funds have been raised, the State provides communities with a two to one (2:1) matching grant to advance your local placemaking project. Additional information about the program and eligibility requirements can be found online in the Better Places Program Guide.
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